The Review and its mission: The review Ethique et Société is a plate-form of analyses and reflections. It treats of ethical issues from a Christian point of view. Its purpose is to base the life of our societies on a universally acceptable and moral ground. It is published three times a year (Mai, September and December).
Length of papers: The review Ethique et Société accepts papers of 15 to 20 pages A4 (police: Times New Roman, 12, line spacing: 1.5) for an ordinary article, and 3-5 pages for book reviews.
Title of the paper: The title has to reflect the content of the paper. If the article is too long, the author has to provide a shorter one for use as a running head.
Abstract:The article must be accompanied with an abstract of 10 to 15 lines.
Author’s details:The paper or the book review must be signed by indicating the First name and last name of the author, area of specialisation, organisation, institution where one works.
General criteria for papers:Scientificity (serious analysis, critical spirit, method of analysis), the quality of the language used (French or English), agreement with the Christian faith and its universal values.
Bibliographical references: The referencing is done within the text as follows: Surname of the author, year of publication of material referred to, column, page(s). eg. Mbiti (1970:16). If the reference is at the end of a sentence of quotation, the name of the author is included in brackets as in the following example: (Mbiti 1970:16). Avoid footnotes as much as possible, except in case of justification or clarification which cannot be included in the body of the text. All the references are gathered in a bibliography at the end of the paper as in this example:
Mbiti, J 1970. African Religions and Philosophy. 2nd ed. New York: Anchor.
For an author whose contribution is a chapter in a co-edited work, the reference follows this example:
Russell, LM 2006. Mercy Amba Ewudziwa Oduyoye: Wise Woman Bearing Gifts, in
Phili, I.A & Nadar, S (eds.) African Women, Religion and Health, pp.43-58. New York : Orbis Books.
For an article in a periodical of which the volume is subdivided into issues, the bibliography is as follows: Surname, initials of the first name and middle names, year of publication, full stop, title of the article, full stop, the title of the periodical in italics, comma, number of the volume, the number of the issue in brackets, colon, reference of the article in the periodical.
Eg: Bouckaert, L 1999. The project of a personalistic economics. Ethical
Perspectives,6(1): 20-31.
In the references, all the lines after the first are indented once.
The paper is posted or sent by e-mail to the following address:
Revue d’Ethique et Société
Fraternité Saint Dominique
B.P 2960 Bujumbura/Burundi
Email :
Peer review process:All received manuscripts are subjected to a blind peer review process in order to ensure the quality of the publication. The author is informed of the outcome of the peer review process.